Mini Bio

My name is Aaron, and here is my story.
Or just a tiny bit of it.

My Biography



I was born near Detroit in the same town that Kid Rock started his career. But I grew up just outside of Grand Rapids on the west side of the state.


Formative Years

I am blessed with two amazing parents and three pretty okay younger siblings. Actually, they're awesome. This was back in the "stylish" 90s. Don't hate.


My Faith

I believe in an empty tomb and that Jesus is the risen Son of God. He is my Savior and the Lord of my life.



I love sports and being outdoors in general. This picture was taken shortly after boating and fishing on Lake Michigan for the very first time.


A New Home

At 28, I (finally) moved out of my parent's house and away--to a place a thousand miles from where I grew up. It was fun.



This is my fam, all of my girls. I am blessed to have them and love them very much. I'm just outnumbered quite a bit!


My Contact Info

Email Aaron
Phone Number: (616) 490-1043
LinkedIn Profile